We are dubbed the Power Youth of Jesus Power Church, a group consisting generally of students between the ages of 12 up to 19 or freshman to high school seniors. We are a Youth Ministry with a mission to pursue excellence in all our endeavors and to make impacts wherever we find ourselves. Our challenge is to discover who we are by identifying the potential within us and developing it. Our mission therefore is not to walk on the earth as having been here some, but we seek to leave a lasting legacy and impact in our communities and the world.
As youth we face many challenges in our communities and the environments we find ourselves. We know that the expectation of the Church local and worldwide is that we live our lives to befit Christ. We know we are being looked upon as the future generation of the church. We have accepted the challenge despite the pressures that we feel around us all the time. Our humbly request from every one of you is that you say a prayer for the youth and members every time you go on your needs. We believe that with your prayer, parental support and love, we shall surely get there. We are a work in progress and God is not finished with them yet so don’t place a “bad” label on us yet. Wait till they have come out of the assembly line. But he knows the way that we take: when he has refined us, we shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10).
What We Believe
Because a false balance is an abomination to God (Prov. 11:1), our programs include activities designed to develop us academically and socially. We also believe in the power of oneness. As in Gen 11:6, “If the people are one, nothing they plan to do can be impossible for them.” As a youth ministry we stand together as one in the Lord. This is a point that is always emphasized in our meetings. As in 1 Cor 12:26, we believe that if one part suffers, every part suffers with it. And if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
We believe that as we continue with these programs, we will develop as men and women who the Lord will desire to use in his house and in the open world.
Meeting Times
We meet every Sunday between 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Church Administration building for our youth service. This implies that every member of the Youth has to make it to the Sunday School and First Service in order to be able to attend our meetings. Our youth meetings are fun and it is the place you don’t want to miss if you are a youth in this Church.